On the 4th of December there was a commemoration in the Szekler National Museum. The host institution and the László Kálmán Mycological Society commemorated the outstanding mycologist László Kálmán, on his 100th birthday. Kónya Ádám, Zsigmond Győző and Kocs Irén made speeches. Thanks to Kónya Ádám we were able to listen to a tape which contained our „ucle” Kálmán’s recollections about his past years and colleagues in the Mikó high-school. Mrs. Kocs praised the work of László Kálmán and she also spoke about the importance of László Kálmán’s mushroom collection that he donated to the museum.
OUR SPONSORS IN 2008 were the following: Apáczai Foundation from Budapest, Local Council of St. George Town, Dália kft., COSYS KFT., COVAPRINT and private persons (for example Bethlen Anna)
From Budapest: Apáczai Közalapívány (Apáczai Foundation);
From St. George: Local Council of St. George city, TEGA, Szekler national Museum, Park Restaurant, Dália K.F.T., Cosys K.F.T., Cvaprint Press, Bod Péter County Library;
From other places: Hungarian Mycological Society, Coomunitas Foundation, Cultural Centre of Árkos, Bethlen Foundation (Bethlen Anna).
From Sepsiszentgyörgy: SEPSISZENTGYÖRGY HELYI TANÁCSA, Kovászna Megye Tanácsa, TEGA, Székely Nemzeti Múzeum, Park Vendéglő, Dália kft., COSYS KFT., COVAPRINT Nyomda, Bod Péter Megyei Könyvtár, Mikes Kelemen Líceum, Communitas Alapítvány, Aquaris kft., Globinfo kft., Geoda kft. From elsewhere: Magyar Mikológiai Társaság, Communitas Alapítvány, Árkosi Művelődési Központ, Bethlen Alapítvány (Bethlen Anna), Favorit kft. from Bodok, TRUFFOIR kft. TRUFAROM kft., SZÁSZ DOMOKOS (from Medgyes), Bethlen Alapítvány (Bethlen Anna), Márton László and Bangyán Sándor ( from Dálnok).
General Information about the Kálmán László Mycological Society
Translated into English by Zágoni Imola
TÁMOGATÓINK VOLTAK 2011-BEN: Sepsiszentgyörgyről: SEPSISZENTGYÖRGY HELYI TANÁCSA, Kovászna Megye Tanácsa, TEGA, Székely Nemzeti Múzeum, Park Vendéglő, Dália kft., COSYS KFT., Bod Péter Megyei Könyvtár, Kónya Ádám Művelődési Ház, Globinfo kft., Geoda kft. Máshonnan: Magyar Mikológiai Társaság, Communitas Alapítvány, TRUFFOIR kft., Corvin Kiadó, TRUFAROM kft.
3: Presentation about Szekler mushroom folklore traditions by Győző Zsigmond
14: Annual mushroom themed closing ceremony in the Kónya Ádám Community Center. After welcoming our benefactors there was tasting of mushroom dishes and drinks. The evening continued with the presentation of next year's calendar and playful games. Our mushroom pocket calendar was printed by Corvin Publishing House from Déva.
Other activities taking place throughout the year:
the propagation of mushroom knowledge, the prevention of mushroom poisoning, regular media presence to promote the activities of our society (TV: MTV1, MTV2, Duna TV, PRO TV, Zemplén TV, Transylvania TV; radio:
MR Budapest, Bucharest, Targu Mures; newspapers: Népújság, Háromszék, Cimbora, Magyar Gombász, Székely Hírmondó, Hargita Népe, Krónika, etc.), mainly in the form of appearances or writings by the following members: Katalin Jancsó, András Málnási, Attila Puskás, Edit Szilvásy, Sándor Zoltán, Győző Zsigmond. Our trilingual website (www.gombasz.ro) was updated by László Zsigmond.
On 13th we organized our traditional year-ending party at the Kónya Ádám Community Centre. We greeted our sponsors, then we presented and tasted the mushroom specialties. We continued with the presentation of our mushroom-calendar for 2015 and with a contest. Our pocket-calendar, edited by the Corvin Publishing-house from Déva, was also shown to all participants with this occasion.
On 20th the MLMS organized its year-ending party at the Catholic parish’s Deus providebit conference-room in Marosvásárhely.
Other permanent activities:
mushroom - knowledge, our work to help people avoid mushroom intoxication, the popularization of our Mushroom Society in the mass-media (televison –MTV 1,2, Duna TV, PRO TV, Erdély TV-, radio – Bucharest, Marosvásárhely, Kolozsvár-, newspapers –Népújság, Háromszék, Magyar Gombász, Székely Hírmondó, Krónika, Erdélyi Gyopár etc.-) mainly by our following members: Málnási András, Puskás Attila, Zoltán Sándor, Zsigmond Győző. Our website was brought up-to-date in 3 languages (www. gombasz.ro) by Zsigmond László. Málnási András tries to write up the MLMS’s website (www.mlgmv.ro) in Hungarian language.
12: Annual mushroom closing ceremony at the Kónya Ádám Community Centre. After welcoming our benefactors there was organized a tasting of mushroom dishes and drinks. The evening continued with the presentation of the next year's calendar and playful games.
Other activities
Other activities taking place throughout the year: the popularization of mushroom knowledge, the prevention of mushroom poisoning, regular media presence to promote the activities of our society (TV: MTV1, MTV2, Duna TV etc.; radio:
Marosvásárhely, Sepsiszentgyörgy; newspapers: Népújság, Háromszék, Magyar Gombász, Székely Hírmondó, Krónika, Erdélyi Gyopár etc.), mainly in the form of appearances or writings by the following members: Málnási András, Puskás Attila, Zoltán Sándor, Zsigmond Győző. Our trilingual website (www.gombasz.ro) was updated by Zsigmond László.
Málnási András tries to mantain up-to-date the MLG’s website (www.mlgmv.ro) in Hungarian language.
11: We travel to Kalotaszeg to prepare our next mushroom-gathering camp.
Between the 26th and 31st takes place the 17th international mushroom-gathering camp, this time in Sztána. The campers (about 80 people) visit Kolozs and Szilágy counties’ most well-known and less-known places (Bánffyhunyad, Kőrösfő, Gyerővásárhely, Magyarvalkó, the Devil’s Stone, the Garden of Dragons, the Blue-lagoon, Csodavár, Boncida, Válaszút, Szék, Kolozs, Kolozsvár, the Tordai mountain-gorge, the salt- mine etc.). Every morning the participants go mushrooming and in the afternoon they take part in various and interesting activities. A mushroom-photo exhibition from the photographs of LKG members opens during the camp. Zsigmond Győző presents the exhibition entitled The Mushroom-beauty in Nature. The identification of the gathered mushroom species is carried out by Benedek Lajos, Fődi Attila, Pál-Fám Ferenc, Szász Balázs and other experts and mushroom-specialists. We have mushroom-beauty contests, mushroom recognising-contests etc. We also present two publications in the camp: Erdélyi gombanaptár 2017 (Transilvanian Mushroom Calendar 2017) and the LKG –prospectus (from Corvin Publishing House). Zsigmond Győző presents mainly the traditional mushroom-use in Kalotaszeg region. The local priest projects a short educational film about Sztána. Dr. Benedek Lajos, Fődi Attila, Dr. Pál-Fám Ferenc and Szász Balázs also deliver lectures on mushrooms for those interested; mostly they speak about the gathered mushroom species. Puskás Attila organises a presentation about the late great mycologist, Pázmány Dénes, on the anniversary of his 85th birthday. Berdán Zsuzsánna speaks about Swiss mushroom-knowledge, while Fődi Attila presents the Chinese mushrooms with curative effects. The presentation of the LKG’s calendar of events also takes place here in the camp. Mezei Attila shows pictures about the Mushroom Festival in Kárász. The participants of the camp can also play mushroom games (mushroom cards, mushroom chess, Little Mushroom-gatherer etc). We also present a DVD about the mushroom-world of Marosvásárhely and its surroundings (Belferényi Gábor and Téglás Zoltán). The LKG awards its second Veress Magda Prize. This time the prize is given to our supporter Téglás Zoltán, who is awarded for his scientific results and his activity in popularising the fungi. We also discuss the Romanian Mushroom-law (in force since February 2006) and the unfortunate fact that it still has not been brought into operation. As a result of this, several people die of mushroom-poisoning each year and no one is taken responsible in Romania.
Fülöp Lóránt passes the exam organised in the camp and gets his certificate. Late at night the campers can sing and enjoy themselves by the camp-fire. The organisers are glad that they had sponsors like the Herasib Ltd from Medgyes, Sepsiszentgyörgy Local Council, Dália Ltd., Bertis Ltd., KLE-MEL Ltd. and our trip-leaders and our hosts.
In conclusion, the campers considerably contributed to survey the mushroom-world of this region. Since the weather conditions were favourable we could gather and identify more than 300 species of fungi (about 200 species from leafy forests). Most of these species were labelled and exhibited in the camp.
13: Bélfenyéri Gábor’s mushroom-photo exhibition about the surroundings of Nagy-Mezőhavas opens in Dicsőszentmárton.
17: we organise the annual party at the Kónya Ádám Community Centre. It starts with the greeting of our sponsors and continues with the presentation of the many mushroom dishes. We present several new publications and we also organise a contest for the participants.
Other activities taking place throughout the year
the propagation of mushroom knowledge, the prevention of mushroom poisoning, regular media presence to promote the activities of our society (Marosvásárhely, Sepsiszentgyörgy; newspapers: Népújság, Háromszék, Magyar Gombász, Székely Hírmondó, Krónika, Erdélyi Gyopár etc.), mainly in the form of appearances or writings by the following members: Málnási András, Puskás Attila. Our trilingual website (www.gombasz.ro) was updated by Zsigmond László.
16: Annual mushroom themed closing ceremony at the Kónya Ádám Community Centre. After welcoming our benefactors there had been a mushroom dishes and drinks tasting. The evening continued with the presentation of new publications, playful games and tombola.
Other activities taking place throughout the year: the propagation of mushroom knowledge, the prevention of mushroom poisoning, regular media presence to promote the activities of our society (TV: MTV1, MTV2, Duna TV etc.; radio: Marosvásárhely, Sepsiszentgyörgy; newspapers: Népújság, Háromszék, Magyar Gombász, Székely Hírmondó, Krónika, Erdélyi Gyopár etc.), mainly in the form of appearances or writings by the following members: Málnási András, Puskás Attila, Zoltán Sándor, Zsigmond Győző. Our trilingual website (www.gombasz.ro) was updated by Zsigmond László.
Bélfenyéri Gábor popularized our activities on Facebook.
Málnási András mantains the MLG’s website (www.mlgmv.ro) in Hungarian language.
Other activities:
We continuously participate in the activities on the Facebook of the mycologist group from Szatmár (thanks to Babos Krisztina and Fehér Kinga), and in the activities of the Centre from Marosvásárhely. Moreover, we also take part in the activities of the „Gombászok Baráti Köre”, conducted by Bélfenyéri Gábor and Téglás Zoltán.
Other permanent activities throughout the year:
Our cooperation is unbroken with, for example, the following associations and institutions: HUNGARIAN MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY, SZEKLER NATIONAL MUSEUM, Ecosclub Lázárfalva, Harghita County Environmental Office, Forestry Directorate of Covasna County, Vinca Minor Association, Fellowship of Mushroom Pickers in Marosvásárhely, ZGE etc.
*The activity of the Málnássy László Mycological Society can be reached on its website. We continuously participate in the activities on the Facebook of the mycologist group from Szatmár (thanks to Babos Krisztina and Fehér Kinga), and in the activities of the Centre from Marosvásárhely. Moreover, we also take part in the activities of the „Gombászok Baráti Köre”, conducted by Bélfenyéri Gábor and Téglás Zoltán.
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